Fletcher, R., Raghavan, V., Zha, R., "Development of Mobile-Based Hand Vein Biometrics for Global Health Patient Identification” IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), San Jose, CA, Oct. 2014.
Fletcher, R., Oreskovic, N., Robinson, A., "Design and Clinical Feasibility of Personal Wearable Monitor for Measurement of Activity and Environmental Exposure," IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, (EMBC), Chicago, IL, Aug. 2014.
Fletcher, R., "Engineering Opportunities and Challenges for the Treatment of Mental Health and Behavioral Medicine," IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, (EMBC), Chicago, IL, Aug. 2014. (also organized this panel session on Mental Health)
Fletcher, R., "Using Wearable Sensors for Behavior Monitoring and Interventions: Lessons Learned and Future Directions,” Society for Behavior Medicine Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Apr 2014. (also organized this panel session on wearable sensors)
Fletcher, R., "Next-Generation Emerging Technologies for Ambulatory Physiology and Behavior Measurement,” Society for Behavior Medicine Annual Meeting, Apr 2013.
Hernandez, J., McDuff, D., Fletcher, R., Picard, R.,"Inside-Out: Reflecting on Your Inner State,” IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications,Feb.2013.
Rajan, S., Leonard, N., Fletcher, R., Casarjian, B., Casarjian, R., Cisse, C., Gwadz, M.,"Ambulatory Autonomic Monitoring Among At-Risk Adolescent Mothers," Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine,Sept 2012.
Fletcher, R., Amemori, K., Goodwin, M., Graybiel, A.M.; “Wearable Wireless Sensor Platform for Studying Autonomic Activity and Social Behavior in non-Human Primates,” Proceedings of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, San Diego, Aug 2012.
Boyer, E.W, Fletcher, R., Fay, R.F., Smelson, D., Ziedonis, D. Picard, R.W., "Preliminary Efforts Directed Toward the Detection of Craving of Illicit Substances: The iHeal Project," Journal of Medical Toxicology, 4 February 2012.
Fletcher, R., Tam, S., Omojola, O., Redemske, R., J. Kwan; “Wearable Sensor system and Mobile Application for Use in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Drug Addiction and PTSD,” Proceedings of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Boston, 2011..
Fletcher, R., Tam, S., Omojola, O., Redemske, R., Fedor, S., Mugisha, J.; “Mobile Application and Wearable Sensors for Use in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Drug Addiction and PTSD,” Proceedings of Pervasive Health Conference, 2011..
Fletcher, R., Dobson, K, Goodwin, M.S., Eydgahi, H., Wilder-Smith, O., Fernholz, D., Kuboyama, Y., Hedman, E., Poh M.Z., Picard, R.W.; “iCalm: Wearable Sensor and Network Architecture for Wirelessly Communicating and Logging Autonomic Activity,” IEEE Trans. Info. Technol. Biomedicine. vol 14, no.2, Mar. 2010.
Fletcher, R., Kulkarni, S.; “Wearable Doppler Radar with Integrated Antenna for Patient Vital Sign Monitoring,” Proceedings 2010 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Jan 10-14 2010.
Markus, A., Davidzon, G., Law, D., Verma, N., Fletcher, R., Khan, A., Sarmenta, L.; “Using NFC-Enabled Phones for Public Health in Developing Countries”, Proceedings of 1st IEEE Conference on Near-Field Communication (NFC), 2009 – Winner 1st place NFC Forum Global Competition 2009.
Fletcher, R., Han, J.; “Low-Cost Differential Front-End for Doppler Radar Vital Sign Monitoring,” Proceedings 2009 International Microwave Symposium, July 2009.
Markus, A., Davidzon, G., Law, D., Verma, N., Fletcher, R., Khan, A., Sarmenta, L.; “Using NFC-Enabled Phones in Developing Countries”, Proceedings of American Medical Informatics Association, May 27-30, 2009, Orlando, FL.
Picard, R.W., Goodwin, M., Fletcher, R., Eydgahi, H., Williams, C., Marecki, A., Lee, C.H., Morris, R., Kim, K., Mota, S., and el Kaliouby, R., "Development of a New Toolkit Enabling Wearable Wireless Autonomic Nervous System Communication for Persons on the Autism Spectrum," Poster at International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), May 15-17, 2008, London, UK.
Redemske, R., Fletcher, R.; "The Design of UHF Tag Emulators with
Applications to RFID testing and Data Transport, Proceedings of 4nd IEEE
Conference on Automatic Identification Technologies," October 2005.
Fletcher, R., Marti, U.P., Redemske, R.; "Study of UHF RFID Signal
Propagation through Complex Media," IEEE Antennas and Propagations Society
Injternational Symposium, 2005, Vol. 1B, July 2005, p. 747-750.
Pentland, A., Fletcher, R., Hassan, A.; "DakNet: Rethinking
Connectivity in Developing Nations," Computer, IEEE Computer Society, (was
also featured as the cover story), Vol. 37, Issue 1, January 2004,
Fletcher, R., Omojola, O., Boyden, E.; "The Design of Agile RFID
Tags as a Catalyst for RFID Standardization," 3nd IEEE Conference on
Automatic Identification Technologies, March 2002.
Fletcher, R., Omojola, O., Gray, S.; "Application of RFID to Remote
Sensors and Wireless Data Peripherals," 3nd IEEE Conference on Automatic
Identification Technologies, March 2002.
Pentland, A., Fletcher, R., Hassan, A.; "A Road to Universal
Broadband Connectivity," Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Open
Collaborative Design for Sustainable Innovation, Bangalore, India, Dec.
1-2, 2002.
Ju, W., Bonanni, L., Fletcher, R., Hurwitz, R., Judd, T., Post,
R., Reynolds, M., Yoon, J.; "Origami Desk: Integrating Technological
Innovation and Human-Centric Design," Proceedings of the Conference on
Designing Interactive Systems: processes, practices, methods, and
techniques , June, 2002.
Fletcher, R. Gershenfeld,N.; "Remotely Interrogated Temperature
Sensors Using Magnetic Materials," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, Volume
36, Issue 5, Part 1, Sept 2000, p1569-1575.
Post, R., Maguire, Y., Omojola, O., Strachman J.P., Fletcher R.;
"An Installation of Interactive Furniture," IBM Systems Journal, Vol 39 No
3&4, 2000.
Fletcher, R., Omojola, O., Boyden, E.; "Reconfigurable Agile Tag
Reader Technologies with Combined EAS and RFID Capabilities," 2nd IEEE
Conference on Automatic Identification Technologies, 1999.
Weinberg, G., Fletcher, R., Gan, S.; "The BabySense Environment
Enriching and Monitoring Infants Experiences and Communication,"
Proceedings of Computer Human Interface Conference, CHI 98, Los Angeles,
CA. pp. 325-326.
Fletcher, R., Gershenfeld, N.; "Materials-Based Approach for
Low-Cost Electromagnetic Tagging," Auto-ID Conference, IEEE Robotics and
Automation Society, 1997.
Fletcher, R., Levitan, J., Rosenberg, J., Gershenfeld, N.;
"Applications of Smart Materials to ID Tags and Remote Sensing," Proceedings
of Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 1996, vol 360.
Fletcher, R.; "Force Transduction Materials for Human-Technology
Interfaces," IBM Systems Journal, Vol 35 No 3&4, 1996.
Fletcher, R., Cook, J.; "Measurement of High-Tc Superconductor
Surface Impedance as a Function of Temperature Using a Dielectric
Resonator Technique," Review Of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 65, No. 8,